Monday 8.29pm

You have now been sat in Accident & Emergency for the best part of half an hour. You have been told that there is a 6 hour wait and there is no chance of you making it to training.

The Boss is not going to be pleased.

The blood is dripping from your arms & legs all over the casualty floor. Eventually, after the old granny sat next to you complains, a Doctor comes over and examines you.

"I’m afraid this doesn’t look too good for you son"

"Come on Doc what’s the verdict?" you reply in haste

"Well, we are going to have to stitch you up first. Then you will need a Tetanus injection just in case the dog was carrying something. Then, I want to keep you in under observation for a week"

A week!!!!!! That’s it, you will never make it to the game on Sunday!

What do you do:

Stay in Hospital WB01342_1.gif (412 bytes)
Discharge Yourself WB01342_1.gif (412 bytes)